Tasting Notes
Deliciously full of black currant, violet, liquorice, and peppery spice, and deliciously juicy with it. It’s not Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage but neither does it want to be (actually, it does remind us a bit of the Northern Rhone). It wants to give you simple, uncomplicated pleasure at a pocket-friendly price that’s every bit as delicious as the wine itself. And there’s nothing wrong – in fact, there’s everything right - with that.
More Info
Since 1997, the estate has been owned and run by Béatrice and Christophe Muret and on their watch quality, rather than quantity, has been the focus. With a strong focus on organic farming and environmentally sustainable practices, the Murets have struck an admirable balance between . It’s one of the hardest things in the wine profession to find is very good inexpensive juice, particularly from Europe. But Domaine de Castelnau/Laurence de Veyrac proves that it is possible. We love their infectious passion.