Tasting Notes
The 2023 Salt River combines fruit from a 34 year old bushvine vineyard in Stellenbosch. Named for the trendy area of Cape Town that Savage Wines calls home, it's bursting with white pepper sprinkled gooseberries, elderflower, tangy starfruit, white currants, passionfruit and pomelo and its pith. Straight as an arrow, with icy cold Atlantic sea spray freshness.
More Info
Duncan Savage is the most awarded winemaker in South Africa for the Sauvignon Blanc (and Semillon) variety. He's also regarded by peers as the best there is with the grape. Even Eben Sadie shares this view. He learned from the legend, Didier Dagueneau, who took Pouilly-Fume to new heights, and honed his techniques at Cape Point, for whom he made Platter 5-star wine after Platter five-star wine, and which he left in 2016 to concentrate on his own range, Savage Wines. They are now one of the most sought after wines in South Africa. Salt River is a sub-label that came about after our years of begging Duncan for a straight SB!