With its revolutionary influenced label, The Empire Strikes Back tells the story of Pieter leaping to the defence of Stellenbos...
"For the price it is absolutely outstanding." Michael W, August 2022Kerpow! Our old favourite, Moment of Silence. All Wellingto...
Our old favourite, Moment of Silence. Chenin Blanc, incorporating some old vine Chenin Blanc, and Viognier, fermented and aged ...
Teeny tiny quantities produced, from a parcel of 65 year old vines on a steep, granite slope. Perhaps the most age worthy of al...
A beautiful Southern French Rhone blend of Viognier and Grenache Blanc. This exudes sunshine and ripe stone fruits like peach a...
The aromas dance and the palate is concentrated with flavours of apricot and peach and orange citrus. It's amazing. So few wine...
Packed with aromas of apricot and peach, with light floral notes and a hint of ginger. ginger. Impressive texture, and excellen...