With its revolutionary influenced label, The Empire Strikes Back tells the story of Pieter leaping to the defence of Stellenbos...
"Klip Kop is an east-facing, mid-slope vineyard at 240 metres on the classic granite soils of the Paardeberg. Concrete fermente...
Always a winner, Hamilton Russell Chardonnay 2020 has a beautiful lemon curd and natas custard tart nose, honeydew melon, creme...
Riverside is the oldest vineyard on the farm, planted in 1971, right by the Blaauklippen river with greatly varying soils drawn...
Glimmering in the glass, the nose is softly smokey, chalky and with notes of just ripe pear and creamy almond. It's a little mo...
Luuks - it keeps getting better and better! Now in its third release, this is at first smoky and tense, coupled with just the r...
A blend of Grenache blanc, Verdelho, Grenache Gris and other bits and pieces, all sourced from the Voor-Paardeberg in the Swart...
‘96 points – Duncan Savage’s superb white uses grapes from two vineyards on sandstone soils in Elandskloof and Villiersdorp and...
A mega blend of 10 varieties with the final quantities varying each year according to the vintage. This is a white that we kno...
Sourced from Piekenierskloof, Lourens Family Wines Skuinskap Steen 2022 is one of South Africa's finest fine Chenin's, renowne...
The fruits of an eccentric scientific experiment some years before, that saw a team of neuroscientists attaching probes to Piet...